One of the great things about the services offered by Reward Recycling is that we do a lot of the heavy lifting for you. As previously mentioned, this saves you time and reduces the ongoing effort to recycle effectively, allowing you to fit it in to your busy lives.

However the added benefit, that isn’t immediately obvious, is the overall benefit for the environment via reduced km driven, that our service provides. Rather than having each individual drive to the recycling plant to process their individual loads of collected Recyclables, we collect them and take them in a much reduced number of trips.

Think of our service like car pooling for your Recyclables 😊. When your friendly Rewards Recycling garbo makes a delivery to the recycling centre we typically deliver 50 full bins worth of recycling in our one fuel efficient vehicle.

So we are effectively taking approximately 49 cars off the road for each trip Reward Recycling makes to the recycling centre. We plan our pickup routes carefully to minimise the distance travelled, saving both time and fuel. We estimate the average trip to the nearest Containers for Change Recycling Centre would be around 30km. Given the average fuel consumption is around 10L per 100km, that’s a saving of 3L per trip for the average customer. Possibly more if you’re stuck in traffic!!

So we are saving you time spent on what can be a frustrating trip, while also saving you $4.50 per trip in fuel costs plus roughly the same again for maintenance, service, wear and tear. That’s $9 not including your 45 minutes of your time or more depending on how busy the place is!! So you can save $9 plus get a $5 reward or support us to get more bins out. More importantly we are also preventing extra CO2 being released into the atmosphere! Not only is it easier, you’re protecting the environment! Over a year this adds up to a major reduction in the tons of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere!

We applaud all the great people out there valiantly putting in the extra effort to do the recycling on their own. If you want to do even more for the environment then let us help you.

If you know someone wanting to do the right thing please direct  them to Reward Recycling and let them decide for themselves if we can help them do it even better! Alternatively call us on 0477 799 667 or email us at [email protected] and we will be only too happy to discuss how we can help.